The Elders provide overall direction and support, to the Church and its ministries. They offer spiritual nurturing, shepherding, fellowship, and matters of church governance and are readily available to all members of the Church Body.
Pastoral Staff
The Pastors serve the spiritual needs of the church and the community in cooperation with the rest of the Elder team, “as shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care: not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” (I Peter 5:2,3)
Our Pastors

The Deaconesses shepherd the women of the Church, minister to the sick and needy, and oversee the opportunities for fellowship especially as it relates to women’s ministry.:
The Deacons provide for facilities and other means to support activities that complement and support the ministries and health of the Church in order to fulfill the Vision and Mission of the Church. They keep the grounds and assist the Elders and the Pastor(s) in helping needy church members and others within the community that might come under the Church’s care.
The Church Council
… consists of Pastor(s), Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses, Clerk, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and Ministry Teams. Their function is to help formulate a program to achieve the Vision and Mission of the Church. They have charge of the financial affairs of the Church, meet regularly and may act for the Church in minor matters.
… keeps the minutes of the business meetings, records of historical events and a register of members and performs other clerical duties.
…pays bills, keeps account of receipts and disbursements and presents financial reports.
Financial Secretary
…receives, records and deposits funds, submits financial reports and works with the Treasurer.
…also keeps records of contributions and mails out donation summarys.
Other Officers
Other Officers may be elected as need shall dictate.